Answer: No! Not when it comes to human souls! It is appointed for men to die one time, then the judgment. But the Prophets and Chosen Ones are not "men". They are higher Beings. They do not have ordinary human souls. Their "souls" are the Names/Attributes of ALLAH.
Jesus said the John the Baptist was the "return" of the Spirit of Elijah. John was not the return of the Soul (individuality) of Elijah the Prophet, but the return of His "Spirit" (Ruh).
The first Believer in The Báb (the Prophet Who was the Forerunner of Baha'u'llah) was a man named Mollah Hussayn Bushru'i. The Báb claimed that Mollah Bushru'i was the "return" of the Nafs (Soul) of the Prophet Muhammad. Mollah Bushru'i was NOT a "Prophet" lesser or otherwise. He was a "Chosen One".
Mollah Hussein Bushru'i was the first Bábí (baw-bee), or follower of The Báb. He was killed (martyred) at Forst Tabarsi, Iran, in the year 1850 when the Army of the Shah (king) of Iran attacked the followers of The Báb; because two Bábí teen-agers tried to assassinate him by firing a pistol containing only bird-shot.
Shoghi Effendi (shaw-khee ef-fen-dee), the great-grandson of Bahá'u'lláh, and the Divinely-inspired "Guardian" of the Faith, purportedly once said:
The early Bábís did not believe all souls reincarnate; just the Spirits and Souls of the Prophets and Chosen Ones.
Human souls cannot reincarnate on this material planet, but it is possible that they go on to other material planets if they are not "born again" by the Holy Spirit in this life. If they are born again on this planet, then they enter the Spiritual Kingdom at death; a hidden dimension which surrounds us. However, if a human soul is NOT born again in this life, they "may" go to another material planet far away from our planet; to experience "the second death" (to die again). This cycle repeats itself until a human soul is "transformed" by the Holy Spirit into an Angelic Soul.
In other words, our material/physical realm or dimension (which is called Naw-soot) is "Hell" where the UV rays of the Sun ("Fire") burns and wears out or skin, and where we experience pain, sorrow, separation of loved ones, diease, deformity, injustice, ageing, and death.
The Prophets and Chosen Ones "return" to our world in every Dispensation. They do not have "human" souls. Their souls are the Names and Attributes of God.
Answer: In Baha'i terminology, which is different from Mormon terminology, a "Prophet" means a Divine Soul in a human body. His writings are infallible. Whereas, a "Seer" is not a Prophet (in the Baha'i sense of the term), but an ordinary human being (with a human soul) who can prophesy, see visions, or speak with angels. Joseph Smith "may" have been a Seer. Shoghi Effendi believed he was, but Baha'is are __not__ required to share his personal beliefs about Joseph Smith. The Faith has no "official" view of Joseph Smith nor The Book of Mormon.
Answer: "Prophets" who do not prophesy (praw-fess-sai) are not prophets. "Seers" who do not see supernatural visions are not seers. "Revelators" who do not receive 'Thus saith the Lord' revelations are not revelators. Has the "Living Prophet" of the LDS Church made any prophesies? Has he published any supernatural visions? Where are his verbal Revelations like Joseph Smith had? On the other hand, the prophecies of Baha'u'llah, and their fulfillment, can be read in books such as The Prisoner and Kings and The Challenge of Baha'u'llah.
Answer: Yes! 'Abdu'l-Baha said that Baha'i couples who reach an "exalted state" of spirituality on earth shall be married in all the worlds of God.
Eternal marriage for Baha'is comes not via any temple rite or ritual, but rather by becoming "one" both physically and spiritual. The only "Sealer" needed is Baha'u'llah--Who is the Holy Spirit of Promise.
Answer: Jesus Christ was composed of two Divine Beings: "the Father and the Son" (Book of Mormon~Ether 3:18). The Father was the Spirit of Truth (D&C 93:23), and the Son was the WORD of God Incarnate (John 1:1-2,14). The Father was Jesus' RUH (Spirit), and the Son was Jesus' NAFS (Soul). Baha'u'llah is the Return of the Father (RUH) Who "dwelt" ___IN____ Jesus 2,000 years ago.
Answer: The Soul of Jesus was the WORD of God. The WORD is not a Name/Attribute of ALLAH. Rather, it is His "command". ALLAH said "Be!" and created the Cosmos. God created the Cosmos through His "WORD". The WORD is not an ordinary human soul, and thus can "return" to this material world. Personally, I believe that the WORD "returns" in every Dispensation in a "cloud" (i.e. "veil"--new body and new name).
Answer: There is only One God (ALLAH), so men and women cannot become "Gods" and "Goddesses". However, according to the teaching of Shaykh Ahmad al-Ahsa'i, the "Faithful" (Mo'men) will inherit Paradise, and, in that realm (dimension) the mind controls and molds ethereal matter. Whatsoever a Mo'men (faithful one) can imagine in his or her mind, that is created for them in Paradise. Thus, Paradise is like a very real and vivid dream-world which we can control with our own minds. For example, the "similitude" of a favorite pet can be re-created, or the "similitude" ofa lost love, or a child who died in infancy, or some particular life-story, etc. This is why this Realm is called Alam-i-Mithal (Arabic: "The World of Similitudes"). A Mo'men cannot create their own planets (as Mormons believe they will be able to do), but they can create their own "worlds" (surroundings) in the Realm of the Powers (Jaw-bawr-root); also known as "Paradise". This dimension exists in and surrounds our dimension (Nawsoot) in the Unseen World. While the teachings of Shaykh Ahmad al-Ahsa'i are not considered "infallible"; they were highly endorsed by Baha'u'llah, Who wrote:
QUESTION: How can Baha'u'llah be the return of Christ when the signs in the heavens have not yet occurred?
Answer: Mormons are taught that before Jesus Christ can return, certain "signs in the heavens" must occur; including:
*The Sun becoming dark.
*The Moon turning to blood.
*The Stars falling from heaven.
Many Baha'is believe these "signs" have already occurred.
The Sun becoming black is known as "The Dark Day" and that occurred on May 19th, 1780; when the Sun became black all over North American, and the Moon appeared blood red on that night.
Jesus said that before the coming of "the Son of Man" there would be certain 'signs in the heavens':
You will discover that the publication "1891" will answer many more of your questions. Please ask the Baha'is if they have a copy you can borrow. If not, you can read it online at:
Answer: There is no "one book" one must read and pray about. One only has to "hear" the Prayers of Baha'u'llah being recited, and "feel the Spirit". Seekers are invited to attend public meetings called "Devotionals" and listen to the Prayers of Baha'u'llah being recited. Afterwards, they may ask questions. To attend a Devotional just call 1-800-228-6483, and leave your name, number, and good time for someone to call you back. Say: "I'm a Seeker, and I want to attend a Devotional". If you need a ride, ask for one! Don't be shy. The Friends will welcome you with open arms.
Answer: Technically that is not a Baha'i doctrine. It is not Accepted Doctrine, but Baha'is may hold it as Personal Doctrine (personal belief). Nawsoot is the material/physical dimension in which we now dwell. Baha'u'llah taught that all of the "fixed stars" (i.e. Suns) have planets, and all of these planets have "creatures". Not necessarily "physical" creatures. We are living now in Nawsoot. All souls who are not "born again" in this life, do not go to the Spiritual Realms ("Heaven") but remain in the Material/Physical Realm ("Hell"); planets were the Sun burns and ages the skin, and where pain, injustice, lies, deception, and death exist. The Persian Prophet Zoroaster called our Realm "The House of Lies".
QUESTION: How do I become a Baha'i?
Answer: To become a Baha'i, a Believer in Baha'u'llah, one has to read and sign a "Declaration Card". Nothing more. It is suggested that one first walk these "19 Steps":
1)Read and agree with the 19 Beliefs _____
A Baha'i Teacher must instruct the Seeker in the following:
Once a Seeker has taken all 19 Steps and is age 18 or over, and of sound mind, then say to the Baha'i Teacher of Seekers "I wish to declare myself a Believer in Baha'u'llah!" and the Teacher of Seekers will give you a Declaration Card to read and sign. After you read and sign it, you are a Baha'i. Every Baha'i in the United States carries a "Membership Card" and is assigned a membership number. After (not before) you sign a Declaration Card, you may greet other Believers with the phrase:
The 19 Beliefs is not an official Baha'i statement, but a general overview of the major teachings of the Faith.
I. There is one God named Alláh Who is Unknowable in His Essence, Who begets not nor is begotten, and Who has no son or consort.
1. Do not KILL (unless to protect yourself or others from death or serious injury)
This is not an official list of duties, but a general overview.
1. Acceptance of Baha'u'llah as a Supreme Manifestation of God the Father, the Infallible World Teacher of Humanity for our Day, and His Laws and Ordinances as the Will of God. This is called "The Greater Covenant".
The Path of Holiness refers to the "steps" that a Spiritual Seeker must take on the jouney to become a Lover of God. There are many Paths of Holiness. In India it is called "Yoga": spiritual and physical practices that help you "yoke" with God. Spirituality is not confined to the Baha'i Faith. This is the Baha'i Path of Holiness.
1. Belief in Baha'u'llah
These nine steps represent the Path of Holiness. The purpose of "walking the Path of Holiness" is to increase one's own spirituality until the Holy Spirit "transforms" one's human soul into an angelic soul. This is also called "being born again" or "the baptism of the fire of the Love of God". Being "born again" causes one's soul to enter the Spiritual Realms (i.e. Heaven) in the Afterlife.
These are the 99 Names/Attributes of ALLAH listed in the Holy Qu'ran. In the Realm of Heyhoot these are only Names and Attributes. In the Realm of Lawhoot, They are separate Divine Souls that share one Mind. In the Realm of Nawsoot (our Realm) They are Prophets and Chosen Ones.
1 The All-Compassionate 2 The All-Merciful 3 The Absolute Ruler 4 The Pure One 5 The Source of Peace 6 The Inspirer of Faith 7 The Guardian 8 The Victorious 9 The Compeller 10 The Greatest 11 The Creator 12 The Maker of Order 13 The Shaper of Beauty 14 The Forgiving 15 The Subduer 16 The Giver of All 17 The Sustainer 18 The Opener 19 The Knower of All 20 The Constrictor 21 The Reliever 22 The Abaser 23 The Exalter 24 The Bestower of Honors 25 The Humiliator 26 The Hearer of All 27 The Seer of All 28 The Judge 29 The Just 30 The Subtle One 31 The All-Aware 32 The Forebearing 33 The Magnificent 34 The Forgiver and Hider of 35 The Rewarder of Thankfulness 36 The Highest 37 The Greatest 38 The Preserver 39 The Nourisher 40 The Accounter 41 The Mighty 42 The Generous 43 The Watchful One 44 The Responder to Prayer 45 The All-Comprehending 46 The Perfectly Wise 47 The Loving One 48 The Majestic One 49 The Resurrector 50 The Witness 51 The Truth 52 The Trustee 53 The Possessor of All Strength 54 The Forceful One 55 The Governor 56 The Praised One 57 The Appraiser 58 The Originator 59 The Restorer 60 The Giver of Life 61 The Taker of Life 62 The Ever Living One 63 The Self-Existing One 64 The Finder 65 The Glorious 66 The Only One 67 The One 68 The Satisfier of All Needs 69 The All Powerful 70 The Creator of All Power 71 The Expediter 72 The Delayer 73 The First 74 The Last 75 The Manifest One 76 The Hidden One 77 The Protecting Friend 78 The Supreme One 79 The Doer of Good 80 The Guide to Repentance 81 The Avenger 82 The Forgiver 83 The Clement 84 The Owner of All 85 The Lord of Majesty and Bounty 86 The Equitable One 87 The Gatherer 88 The Rich One 89 The Enricher 90 The Preventer of Harm 91 The Creator of The Harmful 92 The Creator of Good 93 The Light 94 The Guide 95 The Originator 96 The Everlasting One 97 The Inheritor of All 98 The Righteous Teacher 99 The Patient One
"The early Bábís believed in reincarnation. Mollah Husayn [Bushru'i] in Fort Tabarsi was longing to be martyred and then return." (Pilgrim's Notes of Marguerite R. Sears)
It is unthinkable that Mollah Husayn Bushru'i, the first Believer in The Báb, did not properly understand the teachings of The Báb.
QUESTION: What is the difference between a Prophet and a Seer?
QUESTION: Why should I believe in Baha'u'llah when the Living Prophet of the Church has never mentioned Him?"
QUESTION: Does the Baha'i Faith that couples may be married for all eternity (eternal marriage)?
QUESTIONS: How can Baha'u'llah be Jesus returned when He was not Jesus?
QUESTION: If Baha'u'llah is the return of the Spirit (RUH) of Jesus, Who is the return of the Soul (NAFS) of Jesus?
QUESTION: Can men and women become Gods and Goddesses in the Afterlife as Mormonism teaches?
"The followers of Shaykh-i-Ahsa'i have, by the aid of God, apprehended [understood] that which was veiled from the comprehension of others, and of which they remained deprived." (The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, p.120)
"Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken." (Mattew 24:29)
Jesus was referring to prophecies of the prophet Joel, who wrote:
"The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come." (Joel 2:31)
The Apostle John, in his Book of Revelations, 6th chapter, wrote:
"And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind." (Revelation 6:12-13)
Most Christians believe that these 'signs' have not yet occurred. A few Christians, the Seventh-day Adventists, and a few others, believe they already have occurred. Adventist author Glen Walker has written:
"These are the opening signs announcing that Jesus would come again soon. First the earth shook mightily--this was commonly called the Lisbon earthquake of November 1, 1755. It was the most terrible earthquake every recorded. It involved most of Europe and Africa and even reach America, Great Britain, and Ireland. It covered more than four million square miles.
Next came the great dark day. The Great Dark Day of May 19, 1780. Since the time of Moses no period of darkness of equal density, extent, and duration has ever been recorded. Joel prophesied "The sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord." Joel 2:31. After midnight the darkness disappeared and the moon, when first seen, had the appearance of blood.
Next was a vision of the stars falling as thick and fast as late-ripening figs fall from a tree when shaken by a strong wind. Read in history books about the fulfillment of this great meteoric shower of November 13, 1833." (Project Lighthouse, Lesson 15, pp.4-5 online)
The "Night of the Falling Stars" took place on November 13th 1833. Joseph Smith himself believed that Nov. 13th was the fulfillment of the Matthew 24 signs! In his journal for that day he wrote:
"About 4 o'clock a.m., I was awakened by Brother Davis knocking at my door, and calling me to arise and behold the signs in the heavens. I arose, and, to my great joy, beheld the starts fall from haven like a snow of hailstones; a literal fulfillment of the word of God, as recorded in the Scriptures, and a sure sign that the coming of Christ is close at hand." (History of the Church 1:439)
Mormon apostle Parley P. Pratt wrote:
"About 2 o'clock in the morning, we were called up by the cry of signs in the heavens. We arose, and to our great astonishment all the firmament seemed involved in splendid fireworks, as if every star in the broad expance had been hurled from its course, and sent lawless through the wilds of ether. Thousands of bright meteors were shooting through space in every direction, with long trains of light following in their course. This lasted for several hours, and was only closed by the dawn of the rising sun. Every heart was filled with joy at this majestic display of signs and wonders, showing the near approach of the coming of the Son of Man." (Autobiography of Parley P. Pratt, p.110)
According to Mormon writer Philo Dibble, Joseph prophesied (praw-feh-side) of the Night of the Falling Stars over a month beforehand. Philo Dibble wrote:
Clearly, Mormon leaders used to believe that the "signs in the heavens" (Sun becomeing black as sackcloth, moon turning to blood, stars falling from heaven) had all occurred by the year 1833. But,
Mormon leaders today see the "signs in the heavens" as something that has not yet occurred and will not occur until sometime in the unforeseen future. But Bahá'ís know these signs all appeared before the declaration of Bahá'u'lláh in 1863."On one occasion Joseph was preaching in Kirtland [Ohio] sometime in the fall of 1833. Quite a number of persons were present who did not belong to the Church, and one man, more bitter and skeptical than others, made note with pencil and paper of a prophecy uttered on that occasion, wherein Joseph said that 'Forty days shall not pass, and the stars shall fall from heaven.'
Such an event would certainly be very unusual and improbable to the natural man, and the skeptic wrote the words as a sure evidence to prove Joseph to be a false Prophet. On the thirty-ninth day after the utterance of that prophecy a man and brother in the Church, by the name of Joseph Hancock... and another brother were out hunting game and got lost. They wandered about until night, when they found themselves at the house of this unbeliever, who exultingly produced this note of Joseph Smith's prophecy, and asked Brother Hancock what he thought of his Prophet now, that thirty-nine days had passed and the prophecy was not fulfilled. Brother Hancock was unmoved and quietly remarked, There is one night left of the time, and if Joseph said so, the stars will certainly fall tonight. This prophecy will all be fulfilled.
The matter weighed upon the mind of Brother Hancock, who watched that night, and it proved to be the historical one, known in all the world as 'the night of the falling of the stars.' He stayed that night at the house of the skeptical unbeliever, as it was too far from home to return by night, and in the midst of the falling of the stars he went to the door of his host and called him out to witness what he had thought impossible and the most improbable thing that could happen, especially as that was the last night in which Joseph Smith could be saved from the condemnation of 'a false prophet.' The whole heavens were lit up with the falling meteors, and the countenance of the new spectator was plainly seen and closely watched by Brother Hancock, who said that he turned pale as death, and spoke not a word. After that event the unbeliever sought the company of any Latter-day Saint. He even enticed Mormon children to keep him company at his house. Not long afterwards, too, he sent for Joseph and Hyrum to come to his house, which they did, but with no noticeable results, for I believe he never received the gospel." (Philo Dibble, "Recollections," JI 27:23)
QUESTION: What book do I need to read and pray about in order to know if Baha'u'llah truly was the Spirit of Truth?
QUESTION: Do Baha'is believe that we have other lives on other planets?The "Three Wise Men" (maw-zhai) who brought the baby Jesus gifts of gold, frankensense, and myrhh, were actually Zoroastrian priests called Magavan or "Magi" (maw-zhai") in Greek. Zoroaster prophesied (praw-fess-side) of the coming of three virgin-born Sayoshants ("Saviors") after him. The Prophet Daniel was appointed the "Chief Magus" of Babylon (Daniel chapter 5), and no doubt told the other Magi (maw-zhai) about the coming of the Messiah. Baha'is accept Zoroaster as a true Prophet of God.
In the Zoroastrian scriptures (which Baha'is accept as "inspired" but not "infallible") there is something called the Shinvat Bridge: the "Bridge of Separation". At death, one must walk over the Shinvat Bridge. If one's good deeds outweigh their bad deeds, then they shall pass over the Bridge to the "Hosue of Song". But if one's bad deeds outweight their good deeds, then the Bridge will become as thin as a sharp sword, and they shall fall into a ravine of Fire and "return" to "The House of Lies" (i.e. the material realm). Since material beings do not return to this material planet, it makes sense that unpurified souls go on to other material planets; far away from this planet. Those who go to other material planets will have another chance to "repent" and be "born again" on that planet. But they must experience "the second death" (to die another time). If they ignore the Message of the Prophets on that particular planet, then the cycle repeats itself. This is called consecutive incarnation.
Consecutive incarnation (multiple physical lifetimes on multiple planets with one lifetime per planet) is taught in The Urantia Book by the Seer Wilfred Kellogg. But, again, Baha'is can hold consecutive incarnation as a Personal Doctrine (things Baha'is may believe as a personal belief), but it is not Accepted Doctrine (things all Baha'is are required to believe as true!).
2)Read and agree with the 19 Duties_____
3)Read and agree with the 19 Prohibitions_____
4)Read and agree to Walk Daily the Path of Holiness_____
5)How to recite the Daily Obligatory Prayer (short version)_____
6) What Baha'i prayers for healing and assistance are_____
7) What the Nine Holy Days are, and to abstain from work if possible_____
8) What a Baha'i Pilgrimage is_____
9) What the Baha'i Funds and Huququllah are and what are they used for______.
10) What travel-teachers, homefront pioneers, and pioneers are______.
11) What the Zikr (Remembrance of God) is and how to perform it properly_______.
12) What a Baha'i Calendar is_______.
13) What Fasting is and when it is performed_______.
14) What the Directives of the Guardian are and an introduction to the book Lights of Guidance_____.
15) What the World Order of Baha'u'llah is_____
16) Explanation of of the Administrative Order and Baha'i elections_____.
18) What the 19-Day Feast and "consultation" is_____.
19) What the Baha'i Greeting is and how and when to properly use it______.
"Allah'u'Abhá!" (aw-LAW-Oh-awb-HAHH!)
God is Most High!
II. Alláh has 99 Names and Attributes mentioned in the Holy Qur'an (the Holy Book of Islaam); One of Them is Al-Quyyoom ("The Self-Existent One") otherwise known as "Jehovah"; Who is also known as "Heavenly Father" and "The Holy Spirit" and "The Holy Ghost" and "The Spirit of Truth".
III. The Essence of God (Alláh) does not incarnate, but the Names and Attributes of Alláh sometimes incarnate upon this planet as Perfect Men Who are called Manifestations of God: it is through these Perfect Men that God may be known.
IV. The Manifestations of God on this planet have included Adam, Noah, Enoch, Abraham, Zoroaster, Moses, Christ, Muhammad, The Báb, and Bahá'u'lláh; as well as Krishna, Buddha and Others.
V. Christ Jesus was "the very Savior of Man" (PUP, p.62), the "Lord of the Visible and Invisible" (GWB 57,#23), the "Lord of all being" (GWB 55,#23), the "WORD of God" (SWA 20:1), the "Son of God" (SAQ 63, WOB 105) Who was born of a literal virgin and the Holy Ghost (LG #1637), the Only Begotten of Jehovah, whose death on the Cross infused a fresh capacity into all Created things, and Who healed the sick, caused the blind to see, the lame to walk, and sanctified the soul of the sinner (GWB 85-86).
VI. The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Unto Him) was a Manifestation of God, the Comforter that Christ promised the Father would send, the one called "Faithful and True" mentioned in the Book of Revelation, and the Seal of the Prophets.
VII. His Holinesss The Báb (The Gate of God) was a Manifestion of God, the Return of the Imam Mehdi of Shi'ite Islam, and the Forerunner of Bahá'u'lláh.
VIII. Bahá'u'lláh (The Glory of God) was the Supreme Manifestation of God, the incarnation of the Father on Earth, the Begetter of the Spirit (Jesus), the Author of the Most Holy Book, the Lord of the Vineyard, the Messiah ben David, the Kalki Avatar, the Maitreya Buddha, the Shah Bahram, the Son of Man, and the Spirit of Truth.
IX. There will be future Manifestations of God Who shall appear on this planet, but only after 1000 literal years from 1863.
X. The Mission of Bahá'u'lláh was to unite Mankind into the Kingdom of God the Father on Earth; otherwise known as the Millennial Kingdom, the City of New Jerusalem, the Reign of Christ on Earth, or the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh.
XI. The World Order of Bahá'u'lláh will protect and promote the equality of men and women, promote the independent investigation of truth, make religion the cause of unity among mankind, promote a Universal Auxilary language, mandate the elimination of prejudices of all kinds (racial, class, caste, ethnic), eliminate the extremes of poverty and wealth via spiritual solutions to economic problems, mandate universal education for males and females, provide for a Universal Tribunal to settle disputes between nations, and to protect the basic human rights of all people everywhere.
XII. There is no reincarnation of human souls on this material planet, but mortal existences on other material planets is possible.
XIII. Heaven and Hell are not geographic locations but inward conditions of the soul in this life which manifests heavenly or hellish outward conditions for the soul in the Afterlife.
XIV. There is no eternal unending Hell; all souls will have the opportunity for spiritual advancement in the Afterlife.
XV. For every deed done in this life, whether good or evil, there is a recompence (reward or punishment) in the Afterlife.
XVI. There is no resurrection of the physical body, dust returns to dust; at death the soul is freed from the physical body like a bird freed from a cage.
XVII. The more we suffer in this world, the less we will have to suffer in the next world.
XVIII. 'Abdu'l-Bahá was not a Manifestation of God, but the Word and Mystery of God, the Master, the Exemplar of the Faith; the example of what every Bahá'í should be.
XIX. To be a Bahá'í simply means to love all the world; to love humanity and try to serve it; to work for universal peace and universal brotherhood.
The 19 Prohibitions
2. Do not STEAL (includes embezzlement, bribery, etc.)
3. Do not LIE (of any kind: eqivocation is a form of lying)
4. Do not commit FORNICATION, nor ADULTERY, nor SODOMY, nor LECHERY (i.e. acts associated with pornography or sexual fantasy)
5. Do not MARRY a person of the same gender, nor a close relative nor before the age of 15 nor without the consent of all living parents nor practice polygamy nor open marriage.
6. Do not GOSSIP (considered next to murder in severity)
7. Do not DISSIMULATE (deny you are a Baha'i in order to avoid persecution)
8. Do not DRINK ALCOHOL (any amount for any reason)
9. Do not use or sell ILLEGAL DRUGS (nor abuse perscription drugs)
10. Do not be CRUEL TO ANIMALS (eating meat is allowed but vegitarianism is recommended)
11. Do not use ABORTION as a form of birth-control (i.e. valid medical necessity only)
12. Do not CONFESS YOUR SINS to other humans (i.e. confess to God alone)
13. Do not GAMBLE in any form (investment in stocks is not considered gambling)
14. Do not DIVORCE until after one year of trial-separation wherein you cannot have intimate relations or date others (Year of Patience)
15. Do not engage in PROTESTS against any civil government peacefully or otherwise.
16. Do not be a HYPOCRITE (keep some Baha'i laws and ordinances but ignore others publicly or privately)
17. Do not SMOKE during the daylight hours during the Month of Loftiness (smoking is allowed but strongly discouraged)
18. Do not BELONG TO POLITICAL PARTIES or engage in partisan politics of any kind (voting is encouraged)
19. Do not ARGUE ABOUT RELIGION with anyone at any time for any reason.
The 19 Duties
2. Acceptance of 'Abdu'l-Baha as His rightful Successor, the Interpreter of the Holy Writings, Whose own Writings are Infallible, the WORD, the Master, and the Exemplar of the Faith Whose Station was less than a Prophet but greater than a mere human being. This is called "The Lesser Covenant".
3. Acceptance of Shoghi Effendi as the rightful Successor of 'Abdu'l-Baha, the Guardian of the Cause of God, whose written directives are authoritative and binding upon all Believers.
4. Acceptance of the Universal House of Justice, a council of nine distinguished gentlemen, elected every five years, as the Governing Body of the Faith worldwide, whose collective legislative decisions are authoritative and binding upon all Believers.
5. Acceptance of the Torah, the Injil, the Qu'ran, and the Holy Texts (the Writings of The Báb, Baha'u'llah, and 'Abdu'l-Baha) as God-inspired and Infallible Scripture.
6. Acceptance of Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, The Báb, Baha'u'llah, and any Other Prophet mentioned in the Holy Texts, as true Prophets of God.
7. Acceptance of the Twelve Imaams of Shia Islaam as the rightful Successors of the Prophet Muhammad and the Rightful Leaders of the Umma of Muhammad.
8. Acceptance of Shaykh Ahmad al-Ahsa'i and Siyyid Kazim Rashti as Divinely-inspired Seers whose teachings prepared the way for The Báb and Baha'u'llah.
9. Acceptance of the immortality of the soul and the Law of Recompence (reward or punishments in the Afterlife for every deed performed in this life).
10. Praying every day the Daily Obligatory Prayer either in the short, medium, or long versions.
11. Teaching the Baha'i Message to Seekers either as a Travel-Teacher, a Homefront Pioneer, a Pioneer, or in local or national teaching campaigns.
12. Going on a Year of Service (year of volunteer welfare work) before marriage if one is able to do so.
13. Attending a 19-Day Feast one time every 19 days to fellowship with other Believers (recommended but not obligatory)
14. Making a Baha'i Pilgrimage to the Holy Shrines in Haifa and Bahji if one can afford to do so and one is in good health at least one time in life.
15. Reading at least one Holy Verse per day.
16. Reciting the Zikr (remembrance of God) by saying in a normal voice and tone "Allah'u'Abha" (God is Most High) 95 times within each 24-hour period.
17. Fasting (abstaining from food and water and smoking) during the daylight hours of the Month of Loftiness (19 days) unless one is ill or with child or is over the age of 70 years.
18. Ceasing work (if possible) on the Nine Holy Days.
19. Obedience to and financial support for the Administrative Order of the Faith.
The Path of Holiness
2. Bowing to the Will of God daily
3. Fasting during the daylight hours of 19-day month of Loftiness
4. Meditating (reading and pondering) on the Holy Verses daily
5. Chanting the Zikr (Remembrance of God) daily
6. Ceasing work (if possible) on the Nine Holy Days
7. Good thoughts/good words/good deeds daily
8. Praying the Daily Obligatory Prayer
9. Living the Life (not being a hypocrite and "picking and choosing" which ordinances to keep but keeping all of them to the best of your ability)
The 99 Names/Attributes of ALLAH
The Baha'i Universe
LÁHÚT (law-hoot): The Realm of the Divinities (Concourse on High)
JÁBÁRÚT (jaw-bawr-root): The Realm of the Powers (Paradise)
MÁLÁKÚT (mawl-law-koot): The Realm of the Angels (Spirit-World)
Spiritual Realms (i.e. "Heaven")
Material Realm (i.e. "Hell")
NÁSÚT (naw-soot): The Realm of the Physical Beings~material planets were the Sun burns and ages the skin--where suffering, injustice, pain, and death exist. "Salvation" means escaping Nawsoot by being "born again" via the Holy Spirit.